Kate Maurice, the wife of Dr Nick Maurice, founding father and former Director of the Gunjur/Marlborough link has died on Wednesday 21st September 2022..

In an email message to friends, Dr Nick said of the death of his wife of many decades;
“ I am writing in great sadness to let you know that Kate died very peacefully at 1.00pm today, five minutes after her carers had been and agreed that her situation was terminal as she was breathing very intermittently. I was at her bedside as she took her last breath. I know she will be missed by you all as you have had a close relationship with Kate over many years.“
Kate and Nick visited Gunjur a number of times as they cement the Gunjur-Marlborough link to bridge the North/South divide.
As hundreds of the people from Gunjur visit Marlborough during the three decades of friendship through linking, Kate and Nick’s home in Marlborough has always been open to visitors. She was a kind and loving woman who contributed to the friendship between the people of Gunjur and Marlborough.
Further commenting on the death of his dear wife, Dr Nick Maurice continued:
“ We are planning a Cremation service at a local Crematorium and I will let you know when this is taking place should you wish to be there. This may well need to be by invitation only due to the capacity of the crematorium, but we hope to hold a celebration of Kate's life in Marlborough following the service for others to attend should they wish.
I know she will be missed by you all as you have had a close relationship with Kate over many years.“
The death of Kate is of profound loss to the people who knows here both in Marlborough and Gunjur.
Kate is survived by three children.