The youths and community leaders in the sprawling coastal settlement of Gunjur have finally taken the lead in the installation of speed bumps, locally called “sleeping policemen” to help curb the steep rise in Road Traffic Accidents in the community.

Four people have died from motor vehicle accidents from August to December 2020 with several other serivous injuries. The latest deaths due to vehicular accident occurred during the Christmas period where two young people lost their lives and the third sustains serious injuries.
The VDC in collaboration with the local ward councillor and other community leaders engaged the officials of The Gambia Road Authority for the immediate installation of speed bumps at strategic locations in Gunjur to avert any further deaths from road traffic accidents as a result of speeding motorists.
GRA responded with provision of materials and youths went out in numbers to install the speed bumps. According to sources in Gunjur, there is already a marked difference in the speed of vehicles entering the town due to new speed reduction measures.