Ouch! That night was cruel
It all began as a near improbable journey
In the quest
To down the yokes of tyranny
After 22 years of iron fist rule
In truth, they knew not that it could come this soon
But lo and behold
It came at a price
A price they started to pay on that fateful night
December 2nd to be precise
What started with a glimmer of hope in the evening
Would Snowball later into a mini depression during the night
Even before the IEC collated the ballots
Spot Counting gave us all an idea of where victory was heading
As daylight gave way to darkness
All-agog, my people, danced and chanted
Brimming with joy
That the unthinkable was inching closer
Moments after taking supper
We all gathered around the radio
To hear the results trickle in
While we whispered in hope
Disappointingly, the 'attaya' instantly tasted sour
When all of a sudden the radio went into coma
As results announcers got swapped in the airwaves by religious hymns
"What could be going on?"
We asked ourselves
By which time despondency began to fill the air
Such was the night of pain
That sleep became grief
"They are changing the results in their favour" groaned one bloke
After so many painful hours playing the waiting game
The results did finally come albeit belatedly the following day
Some in Jarra going without breakfast
As the journey to victory became journey into the unknown
Having undergone another excruciating hours of wait and listen
Word came that the then incumbent Jammeh had conceaded defeat
Paving the way for the grand umpire to blow the final whistle on a race Babili was left behind
That previous single night of anguish
On the whole was merely serving as a Precusor to even more gruesome nights
When the loser who could do no wrong Stunned us all by 'annuling' the outcome of people power
In a a yo-yo manner
The ensuing weeks panned out
Like a spellbinding movie thriller
Until the villain-in-chief eventually
Packed bag and baggage
Leaving behind the comfy of a presidential palace
Whose walls he may never see again
