Following installations of speed bumps in strategic locations of the coastal highway that passed through the sprawling coastal town of Gunjur, Zebra crossings are the latest safety measure put in place in an effort to reduce fatal accidents.

The measures came on the heels of fatal accidents where four people were killed and others seriously injured between August and December. According to data from a concerned citizen of Gunjur, from August to December this year, there has seven (7) major Road Traffic Accidents in and around Gunjur resulting in four (4) deaths and five serious injuries.
In a message to Gunjurians, the coordinator of the community wide effort for road safety in Gunjur, Hatab Jobe revealed:
“Almost all the major junctions in Gunjur that crossed the Coastal Highway either to the village or the opposite side have today been painted with Zebra crossing in addition to the sleeping bumps. This is done to reduce accidents on our roads. And this is coordinated by the relevant stake holders in the village .
From the Lanuarr Pri school junction, the primary school junction, Jujuba junction, Old Garage junction, Berending Junction, and Barjo Kunda junction all have been nearly painted. It is now left for the Driver and the road users to follow the traffic rules. Thanks”
The community was galvanised to put the road safety measures in place in consultation with Gambia Road Authority following the deaths of two young people in a grisly car accident on December 29th 2020.