Opinion: By a concerned youth
The drift at which politics in The Gambia is going is not set for improvement for her people. Yes it is the government’s responsibility to come up with infrastructural expansions and create job openings for each community since we are paying our taxes and all that.
However, if we are not opportune enough to have all these from our government because of their questionable and corrupt system of governance, we should therefore not rely on them on some community development plans. Gunjur as a community should work on her own development agenda.

The GDA can go in for more fun raising programs, tapping funds from organizations or people investing in community development. We can start by building a community bakery. Youth of Gunjur that are interested can apply to work at the bakery. We can bake both ‘tapalapa’ and ‘senfurr’ and provide supplies within Gunjur and our neighbouring villages.
Further, some of our brothers and sisters who have been to hotel school can also be employed at the bakery using their skills and knowledge to bake birthday cakes and targeting other programs like wedding, naming ceremonies. Other social events can make orders for snacks from the bakery, before going all the way to Serrekunda to get them. The community radio can be used for promotions and advertisement and of cause the Gunjur News Online for selling the business around the Kombo south.
These can generate more funds for GDA for their future activities and also create employment for the youth.