Gunjur Youths For Health kicks off blood pressure and glucose screening
As part of their Community Health Outreach program, Gunjur Youths For Health on Saturday kicked off a month long Blood glucose and pressure screening in Gunjur. The event attracted huge turnout especially from the targeted group of the community at risk of high blood sugar content.

The screening program which is being sponsored and supported by The Gunjur Project Association, Microbiologist Ahmed Manjang and U.K. based health care practicioner Sulayman Cham is targeting local communities within Gunjur catchment areas with Kartong and Sanyang benefiting from the blood sugar level screening in the coming weeks.
Sunday 21st March sees the team continuing with the free blood sugar level screening at Gunjur beach.

Commenting on the exercise, Gunjur Youths For Health had this to say about their latest health outreach program:
“Regular screening is no doubt very important, especially on Blood Sugar and pressure, as these two diseases have been spiking in prevalence based on the data coming from our health facilities and our routine check ups.”
Gunjur Youths For Health is a locally based association of young people in Gunjur affliated or in the health practice field. The association is a voluntary association whose activities of health awareness and promoting in the communities are supported by likeminded individuals and organisations.