A cross section of the Gunjur football fraternity has visited the family of late Dabanani and Gunjur midfielder Pap Faal in Kafuntine, Senegal to convey condolences on behalf of the people of Gunjur in appreciation of the contribution Pap Faal to Gunjur football.
Officials from Young Dabanani, Gunjur Sports Committee, VDC, football fans and representatives of other football clubs in Gunjur were Cafuntine on Tuesday.

As tradition dictates, Gunjurians both at home and in the diaspora mobilised funds which was presented to the family of late Pap Faal through the delegation from Gunjur. An amount of D47,975.50 was raised through collection points in the USA, U.K. and The Gambia.
Pap Faal, a dynamic and gifted midfielder played football for Young Dabanani FC and Gunjur town passed away in Kafuntine, Senegal last month following a brief illness.
Born in Senegal, Pap Faal spent many years living and playing football in Gunjur at club level and as a member of Gunjur town team representing the sprawling coastal settlement in regional and national football tournaments.