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Gov’t announces Gunjur beach road construction

Gunjur beach road is one of the roads ear-marked for construction by president Barrow in 2021, minister of Information Ebrima Sillah has announced.

Information and communications minister Ebrima Sillah

Speaking at a meeting attended by president Barrow in Sanyang as part of the nation-wide tour, he disclosed on behalf of the president:

“The construction of Gunjur beach road and the road going into the town will be commenced this year 2021. President Barrow is here for development and not here to talk. He will also build other roads in Sanyang going to the beach, Kassa Kunda, Brufut and Jambur.

The president as part of his development agenda will construct some roads which have been neglected for fifty years.This government is here for development. We have all seen the development this government brought since it came to power. The people of Kombo South should support the government and the president like our elders have done in the past. The people of Kombo South should not be following people who are engaged in politics of insults and castigating our elders”.


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