By Sainey Darboe :
Head of The Gambia’s police anti-crime unit, Gorgi Mboob, has been fingered by protesters for participating in acts of torture and bribery.

Speaking to Fatu Network during violent protests against the death of a Sierra Leonean businessman who died shortly after being released from custody, a protester alleged:
“The anti-crime unit is populated by criminals who are in the habit of arresting people on false charges and asking for bribes to release them. I was arrested recently and Gorgi Mboob and his charges asked me to pay D25,000 to secure my release. I paid D7000 and I was released. They kept calling me to get the rest of the bribe and I refused”.
Another protester who spoke to Fatu Network said vendors at Serekunda market have been subject to persistent harassment and extortion by the police.
He said the death of the Sierra-Leonean businessman is not an isolated incident, as another victim had died of injuries a couple of days ago.