A surgeon at Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital, Dr. Kebba Marena, has raised the alarm about the upsurge in road traffic accident and mortality statistics.
He revealed:
“Road Traffic Stats 30th Oct to 30th November at EFSTH surgery. 71 individuals - 58 Serious injuries (13 Brought in dead), 21 deaths in total (7 children, 3 women incl 1 pregnant)
33 persons with fractures (some multiple)
22 with head injury, 2 spinal injuries
1 amputation. Time to take notice.
I'm actually trying to collect running monthly statistics on deaths and serious injuries from road traffic accidents and I'm sure the figures would surprise people. Grossly underestimated and neglected. Also keeps me very busy.Trauma epidemic”.

The EFSTH Surgeon revealed these numbers on Twitter much to the horrors of his followers. Reacting to Dr Marena's tweet, a follower, A. Jallow believes the lack of stringent requirements for acquiring driver’s licenses is a contributory factor, saying:
“This is so heart breaking yet not surprising considering how many people acquire their driver's license, coupled with the rampant reckless driving. Don't know what the police are doing concerning the many RTAs.
Also weighing in on the alarming statistic, another follower offered these:" It’s about time the corruption around driving licences & the “test” ended and MOT brought in for road worthy vehicles - life is precious to be wasted on crap drivers & dangerous vehicles”.

A Dr Modou Jobarteh calls the numbers "grim..." calling for Road Traffic Accidents to be taken seriously.