Delegates (comprising of 15 Imams from each administrative region across The Gambia and the Executive) of the 5th National Gambia Supreme Islamic Council - المجلس الأعلى لشؤون الإسلامية Congress has duly elected the New Executive to run the affairs of the GSIC for the next 5 years. The elected executive is as follows:

PRESIDENT - Sh. Essa Darbo
1st VP - Qadi Omar Secka
2nd VP - Sh. Ibrahim Masaneh Jarju
SECRETARY GENERAL - Dr. Muhammad Al-Amin Sillah
ASS. SG - Sh. Omar Danso
DEPUTY ASS. SG (ARABIC) - Sh. Kemo Fatty
DEPUTY ASS. SG (ENGLISH) - Sh. Hamma Jaiteh
TREASURER - Sh. Ibrahim Jagana
ASS. TREASURER - Sh. Dawud Jawo
ASS. INTERNAL AUDITOR - Sh. Ibrahim Hassan Cham
We pray to Allaah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'alaa) to strengthen them in executing their responsibilities.
Congrats to New Executive!
Source: Supreme Islamic Council of The Gambia