The National Environment Agency (NEA) has issued Golden Lead, a Chinese Fishmeal plant on the shores of Gunjur with a “Stop Notice” with immediate effect, GunjurOnline can authoritatively report.

The notice to stop all ongoing extension works, and to evacuate all equipment and personnel on site immediately was delivered to Golden Lead earlier today according to our impeccable source familiar with the issue.
The decision to order for the ceasure of all extension works at the Fishmeal plant is the result of Golden Lead’s failure to apply for, and obtain approval for the extension of the Fishmeal plant as per Regulation 29 of the Environment Impact Assessment Regulation 2014.
Consequently, Golden Lead has been found to contravene the NEA environmental approval for the company to construct and operate a Fishmeal processing plant based on “what was stated in (Golden Lead’s) screening submission and within area of the land provided”, as confirmed to Golden Lead in an NEA letter dated 13th October 2015.
Having failed to apply for and obtain variation of the purpose and area of the operations of the Fishmeal plant, the company gives NEA grounds for the revocation/cancellation of the EIA granted to Golden Lead on 13th October 2015. Furthermore, Golden Lead has been reminded in the NEA letter delivered to the company today, that it risks punishment under s.55 National Environment Management Act Vol.12 Cap 72 >1 Laws of The Gambia 1994.
Golden Lead is urged to comply with the “Stop Notice” by NEA to regularise their status immediately or the environment body will be compelled to take further measures against the company, including revocation of the approval granted for the operation of a Fishmeal factory.
It could be recalled that Golden Lead recently came under intense pressure when the company attempted to expand their storage facility into a nearby stretch of land which is used by local women as a vegetable garden for their livelihoods.
As a result, some concerned youths of the sprawling coastal settlement, led by Biomedical Scientist and Environmental activist, Ahmed Manjang resisted this moved and announced that the proposed encroachment into the women’s garden cannot and will not happen. Golden Lead was forced to abort the planned expansion. It later became clear that the Sanyangs of Gunjur Doomung, the actual owners of the said land who allowed women to grow vegetables were never consulted about the Golden Lead intent and that the arrangement to "rent" the land to the company was done without their consent.