Rawdatul Majaalis, a breakaway Islamic faction has vowed to utilize all available means to remove the current Supreme Islamic Council executive, while calling for boycott of the congress set to run from January 9-10.

In a statement published by The Standard, the Islamic collective which has been railing against government and SupremeIslamic Council said :
“Rawdatul Majaalis shall explore, on behalf of the Majaalis sects and imams, all avenues to ensure that the Gambian Muslim community is represented by a legitimate body instituted according to a legitimate and transparent process.
Gambians must know the history of the Council. The founding president, the late Soriba Gassama, was appointed in 1992 by all the Majaalis sects and imams of The Gambia as well as his successors, the late Banding Drammeh and the current president, Muhammad Lamin Touray, were also elected likewise. In fact, in a bid to ensure a proper election process, the Independent Electoral Commission was engaged at some stages for its expertise.”