Free Gunjur Youths! Protect Civil Liberties Release and drop all pending charges against innocent citizens who only exercised their constitutional right to express their grievances. Subjecting Gunjur Environmental Activists to routine police reporting is harassment and abuse of rights.

Gunjur youths reporting at Brusubi Police as part of bail conditions These youths did not embark on a procession. They did not use a public address system. Therefore they have not violated the obnoxious Public Order Act. Rather they have a constitutional right to peaceful assembly. These youths did not damage property. They were not armed. They did not incite violence. They did not assault anyone. Therefore they have not violated any provision of the Criminal Code! Why arrest them in the first place therefore much more subject them to unnecessary bail and reporting to police daily! The Government must not only be seen not to violate civil liberties of citizens but it must also be seen to protect fundamental rights and freedoms that are stipulated in Chapter 4 of our Constitution. The current action by the police in this case is indeed violating fundamental rights and freedoms thereby making the police fail in their obligation to protect. Free Gunjur Youths!