Mrs Mamakaddy Bajo Komma, a Gunjurian resident in Sweden has called for external (independent) Auditors to probe into the financial dealings of the outgoing Gunjur Village Development Committee (VDC), and a legal action to deter others from the misuse of public funds. Mrs Komma made these remarks while contributing to an online debate on the alleged bogus financial report presented at 1st October AGM of the VDC held in Gunjur. " In my opinion, we need to invite external auditors to probe into their financial dealings and if they are found wanting of any embezzlement, a legal action should follow suit", she expressed. According to her, gone are days where people deliberately and selfishly misuse public funds and go Scot free without any remorse. "If we continue to accept this ideology of we are all related and therefore we are all one and allow people to misuse public funds without any penalty, we will never develop as a people or as a community", she said. If we want to develop she said, "misuse of public funds must stop. We can start that now. Let's invite independent auditors with a legal practitioner to probe into this unsatisfactory financial report and set example for the future executives". For Manka, as fondly called by many, the "Bandingya" syndrome in the minds of our people should be thrown in the bin if we are to achieve any meaningful development in our community. For her part Madam Sukai Jobe of United States lamented on the sorrowful state of Gunjur today after 53 years of independence. She expressed her dismay in the manner that issues are handled in Gunjur. "How can they bring those same people who we are complaining of embezzlement of our funds. The dust is not yet even settled and here they are bringing us the same culprits", she fussed. "We should act now and make noise about our rejection of those culprits they are trying to bring us back. Let there be a meeting by the Alkalo and the ward (Kabilo) heads together with the people to look into the manner in which VDC members should be selected. It can't be every Tom Dick and Harry. We have so much qualified people for that in our community ", she concluded.
It could be recalled that Gunjur VDC came under immense pressure following their failure to hold a single AGM in four years and allegations of financial misappropriation, contrary to the requirements of the VDC constitution. When a date was finally chosen to hold the AGM in July, it was miraculously cancelled. The reasons advanced for the cancellation was that the Treasurer, Sanna Ba Darboe has indicated that his financial report will not be ready until at least December 2017. A subsequent AGM was scheduled which was then boycotted by the VDC to the dismay of members of the community.
As a result of this, more pressure was piled on the VDC which resulted in the Alikalo to call a meeting at his residence, also attended by officials of Brikama Area Council. It was at this meeting that the VDC was compelled to hold a proper AGM and handing over on Sunday, 1st October 2017 where the hotly debated financial report was presented. Following the controversy surrounding the financial report, official handing over to a new VDC is expected in two weeks.
Photo: Mamakaddy Bajo Koma