Faback Jibba receiving prize from Momodou Charreh Jibba
One of the brightest students to have graduated from Gunjur Senior Secondary School, Faback Jibba has won seven prizes at a graduation ceremony held at the school's grounds last Saturday the 15th of July 2017. Faback is the overall best student from grades 10 to 12 in English language, Agricultural science, History, Government, Literature in English, Islamic Religious Knowledge and Visual Arts.
Born in June 1998 to Momodou Charreh Jibba and Ajie Jeng, Faback has ambition to enrol in to the University of Gambia to pursue higher education. Depending on the actual results when they are released later, he is also keeping his options open to embark of Higher Teachers Certificate (HTC) to fulfill his ambition of becoming a teacher. Prizes were presented to Faback by local dignitaries including his father, Momodou Charreh Jibba, the presumptive candidate for the United Democratic Party in next year's local government elections. In a Facebook post, a delighted Momodou Charreh Jibba said:
"It is really amazing to be appointed to make a prize presentation to a winner who coincidentally became your son. Alhamdulillah

Faback Jibba with his proud mother receiving another of his prizes
However, Faback's brilliance sharply contrasts with the abysmal failure rate of the entire school. There were hundred percent failure rates in Mathematics and Geography where 53 and 13 students sat to the respective subjects. Out of 15 students who entered for Islamic Religious Knowledge, only two students passed and the only entrant in Christian Religious Education has also failed registering a hundred percent failure in that subject as well. Perhaps decades of government under funding in education is catching up with the school system. This will be the subject of our next editorial with emphasis on Gunjur Senior Secondary School on how Gunjurians and government can work together to bring back the high standards known at the school in the past. Here is a run down of the school report.

Gunjur Senior Secondary School 2015/16 Academic Year Results Analysis